In less than 24 hours time, I'll be on a plane heading to Japan. I'm not packed. I have not finished up my presentation slides. I have not prepared my speech. And here I am, fiddling around with some blogger website at 3 am in the morning. Such a procrastinator and I'm actually indulging in an activity that I once thought was a waste of time. You see, I always believed that blogging was just a measure to showcase one's inner desire to brag, flaunt about one's life and to degrade, cynically laugh, mock at how life can put you down. Well, sad to say, I still believe in this, but I have become a blogger victim, peer pressured to be part of the social norm. Extreme measure to fulfil extreme need. But well, let me emphasize that this blog's main objective is to draft my daily schedule and to let you guys know how I've been doing..Gotta pen the memories down right.
In any case, I'm looking forward to embark on this journey to the land of language barrier and culture shock, to see friends whom I have lost touch, a cousin who just moved there for work, to relive my desire to see the world expo at Nagoya (the last time I visited the Expo was in 1986 in the US), spend more time with new friends that I have made over pre-conference gatherings and basically, venture the unexpected. C'est Bien! J'aime ma vie! (It's good! I love my life!) By the way, the picture I posted has got no relation to Japan whatsoever, but it sets the travelling mood. And anyway, it's a nice picture to look at, it was taken at the Island of Capri (off Sorrento in Italy) in the year 2004.
Okays, no time to waste and back to slogging.
I shall be the first! Hehe...gonna miss u in Tokyo babe! :)
I'll miss you too!!
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