Since returning from New York, my sleeping schedule has been haywire. I am awake at unearthly hours and have food cravings at the oddest hours. Just the past night, I have tried sleeping three times. But my efforts have amounted to nothing. I lay in bed, my mind started wandering and I tossed sleeplessly all night. Frustrated, I attempted to weary myself in all sorts of ways: I got on the net and chatted with my cousin; went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich, thinking that a surfeited person will find its ticket to dreamland in the quickest way; finished reading a story by Paul Auster (City of Glass in the New York Trilogy. It was highly recommended by Christoph and true enough, undeniably good.); did crunches in the wee hours of the morning. I am beginning to wonder whether sleeping exists in my dictionary. If this continues, I'll be close to insanity. I can't even remember when was the last time I had a full eight hour snooze. Maybe I will turn out to be the guy whom I saw on tv who has not slept for 18 years. Imagine how life will be like if you have much more time than others. What would you do if others were asleep?
To date, I was late for two appointments, both of which was due to afternoon slumber. So for today, no afternoon naps for me....and yes jane doe, I won't be late for the appointment with you for the jewellery fashion show this evening.
The show was va-va-vroom (and yes I know why for u!)...anyway take care of them roses! Silly u! Sleep tight!! *yawn*
Yeah..the roses still look pretty.
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