Ladies and Gentlemen, I am officially away for the festive season! Booked myself a ticket to Winter Austria. Yes...a beautiful place where Sigmund Freud (A renowned psychologist) once resided, the country where classical music originated (thanks to Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn), the place where "sound of music" began....
It can be thought as an irrational and impulsive move. Heh! But, freezing as it shall be, it will be a brilliant, romantic and breathtaking vacation.To the snow-capped peaks, glistening lakes, Kaffeehaus (coffee house), Wiener schnitzel (breaded veal), here I come.....
Prost (Cheers)!
oh my goodness. u r quite crazy!
Oh man! Envy all ard! hehe :) but u deserve it babe so go! Shoo...and have a merry lil xmas and a wonderful new year! dont forget ur resolutions! lol
You too....so many plans. Anyway I'll see you pre-christmas (with carolling too)!!!
going alone?
yeps. Meeting a close friend there.
You're flying off again???? I want to be you for a day!
Lala....happy happy...
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