Having two projects ain't easy! The first project requires me to sieve through law files and identify risks. Let alone give recommendations. It was seriously daunting at first hand, trying to comprehend all the legal terms. Just few days ago, I was given another project. This time to do internal control review in a company that got itself into trouble due to its trading activities. Both projects have tight deadlines and juggling both of them has been an uptask (mind you, this is my third week of work)! I feel sooo guity for complaining, especially to Monty. But I am going to pull through...Fark!...Let there be a rainbow for me yah!
My tuition kid recently got admitted to the hospital due to fever and I felt shit for not being able to be there. I visited them two weeks back when the BIG one asked me for money. It was not a big sum, so I gave them. Just wished I had more time for them.
And I'm supposed to write an article on Swedish Banks for this website...which I have not embarked on it at all.
I'm beginning to detest the way I neglect my friends. There is not much time for socialising and I have been rejecting appointments and going home early after dinner appointments. Yah...friends, if you are reading this, do understand and bear with me a little while.
Sometimes, I think I'm giving myself high expectations to fulfill. Just endeavoring to be the person who can try, do and handle everything. That has always been my philosophy.. I hope nothing falls back on me at the end.
Valentine's day updates in later posts....
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