When was the last time you visited Mcdonalds? Or...when was the last time you attended a birthday party at Mcdonalds?
As much as I can remember, I attended Pearlene's birthday party of this sort when I was probably 7. Since then, I have never been a great fan of this fast food chain, especially after the release of the movie SUPER-SIZE ME. It's natural for me to equate its food to obesity and beef patties made up of the insides of a cow. Eeew...But to my delight, I enjoyed myself today. One thing for sure, they revamped the menu, catering to the health conscious. I mean, ten years ago, you would never imagine this fast food chain that is sprouting all over the world to have "Apple slices", "yogurt", "low-fat milk", "corn" in its menu.
What's interesting about the party ain't the birthday cake or the singing of the birthday song. It's the mere fact that a bunch of adults in their mid-twenties are actually enjoying themselves playing kids again. We were treated like kids! Ditto. The organizer, much like a disciplinarian or a school principal, ordered us to sit on little chairs, wear our juvenile colourful hats and finish our food quickly. It was ludicrous to hear nursury rhyme songs playing on the background (damn....should have brought our own cds). Likes kids, we played infantile games and received happy meals (with the toy gadgets inside). Quite embarassingto say this, but I did enjoy myself!
Thanks Booboo....Happy birthday once again!
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