Went to watch "The Last King of Scotland" with Stephen, Sumo and Weeter. Needed some time off amidst the haywire. =p These guys are great fun...after the movie, all of them donned on the african accent, endeavoring to mimic the late "Father of Uganda". Oh well, not too successful as they ended up being Fathers of Jamaicans!
I don't have much knowledge to comment on how much the movie reflected the truth. After all, it's a hollywood movie. Events could be exaggerated, most characters might be fictional..who knows? I did some googling and instead, found some comments from viewers rather amusing.
"I think many nations could learn from goverments like the US. We never have a leader in power long enough for them to become insane like Amin, Saddam, or Kim jung ill. I also wonder when I look at all the past comments how many people of the world would give up voting in their own election just to vote in the US elections.
"I am a ugandan living in europe. Am sick and tired of people in the media, books protraying Amin as an evil, heartless man,comparing him to Saddam, which he wasn't. Saying that he killed half of the population, eating people and killing people and giving the dead bodies to crocodiles. oK so he killed a very few people who were against him but which president doesn't even though they do it in secret. Idi is the best president we Ugandans have ever had.He opened our eyes and made ugandans first class citizens in our country. He was not a YES man,like many presidents in Africa who do what ever the white people tell them to do. He was there for us ugandans, he made Ugandans take control of our country, other wise we would have been as South Africa living in ghettos and having hopless jobs.May God bless Idi Amin. I wish the media and the rest of the world could understand what a great man Idi Amin was for us Ugandans. GOD BLESS IDI AMIN. Oh man..and..God Bless you....
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