Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just One

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."

"I would rather see films than talk about them.
I would rather write than talk about feelings.
I would rather read than bask in a sea of acquantainces.
I would rather cruise museums alone than with someone who drones on why we should adore Van Gogh.
A freak? A geek? A loner? Aloof?
Alone. One feels alive."


natalie said...

Waaahh!! Cheeeem man!!!

Hehe... well my dear... I think I'm inspired by you to take life by it's guts and live it to its fullest. I've found friends who want to travel with me to see the world once again, that I was once so obscured from. It's an amazing feeling, thinking that I am going to be out of my norm, and out into new territories and to see the world out there....

I'll be planning my first trip soon... to London and New York hopefully... turning 29 in two months sure puts things in perspective that I have to live it up now....

Life is short.. Heck.. your 20s are short... if you can't do what you want now... when will the next chance be?

Durrow Gal! said...

Yeah...I totally agree with that.

Live your life man and you will love the unexpected.