I went for the morning and mid afternoon seminars and that was about it. Nothing much to rant about, but thought that the ex taiwanese education minister was fervent in revamping the higher education in Taiwan, which is good. But it will be a difficult task to attract foreign students unless Taiwan universities become top notch to be comparable to the US elites and English must be the main language used in all courses. Pardon me for saying this, but it's gonna be hard. If foreign students dig into the chinese culture and want to learn mandarin, they would have chosen to study in China instead. And if universities are top notch and want to remain somewhere in Asia, I think Singapore would be a better choice as at least our main language is English.
Anyway, I finally went for the International Night and it was a drag walking from my hotel to the venue in the kerbaya. The presence of the rain made it all worse. International night this year was worse than last year, mainly because the venue was too small and there were too many people squeezing in that tight constrained space. Some random photos are shown above.
Better get prepared for my presentation tomorrow. Hope it will all be fine
good luck babe!
oh, n i see some familiar faces...Jeff n all :)
yes....i think you know jeff, edmund and terence. Great fun to have this bunch here.
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