Friday, October 21, 2005

Acknowledgement in Paper

Received an heartening email from my "grandpa" today. This Phd student from Finland read my paper and had encouraging comments.

"Thanks ever so much for your excellent paper Happiness in University Education. I must say that after reading hundred or two papers on happiness ( I am doing my PhD on "economics of happiness"), I had not yet read one so well written and coherent as yours is!"

Well, it's such comments that bring smiles galore. It is interesting as he is thinking of extending this research to his country. Wonder how the study will turn out?


HaN said...

Wow! Way to go Girl!!! :)

Durrow Gal! said...


Jane Doe said...

wow..congrats babe! the sense of fulfillment i know is priceless!

Yvonne said...

Good 4 u!!!

Durrow Gal! said...

=) =) =)