Sunday, November 20, 2005

Just one of those days: Need to rant

Do you dread waking up in the morning, knowing the day will be shit?
Do you dread looking at the time, only to find that you are dragged by the same fucking fix?
Do you dread reading it, wishing that it could just listen and understand?
Do you dread being reminded of it, cause it just don't care?

Do you? I do.


Jane Doe said...


Durrow Gal! said...


Durrow Gal! said...

yes...I need to give it up!

BTW, I am not referring to Little One.

HaN said...

Okay, what are you refering to then? *lol*

Hang in there. Hugs..:)

Durrow Gal! said...

Irritant...=p But I am good now. Wahah...