Call me ignorant, selfish or just pure neglect. I did not care a hoot about mother nature. I detested environmentalists who went on streets and in unison, generating what I termed as "noise". To me, they were the din creators.
Okay. But recent incidents did tug me. First, the continuous rain or flash floods that many of us experienced in Singapore, the freakish cold weather in the US, floods in Jakarta, extreme weathers in Australia...this is quite crazy. We humans, are basically responsible for conditions that will cause killer heatwaves, floods and droughts. Sea levels, a particular concern to Singapore because of threat of flooding here, will rise by 18 cm to 59 cm!
So here I am trying to create a lil awareness. There is only this much legislation can do, it all boils down to us....let's get real, change the attitude and the lifestyle.
Grace Chan, let's start recycling papers. :) Btw, me and Sumo, Thailand 4 life!
Suryo...looks like you got that green attitude!
And me....Green for life!!
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