Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Double Happiness

1) Little One passed his exams! Finally! Proceed to primary 5!

2) Another German student from Viadrina University emailed me today wanting more information about my Happiness study.

" I find your work very interesting, and am planning to carry out asimilar research project to yours on the happiness of students at the Viadrina University. My university is very special in the region. It is located on the German-Polish border region, over one third of the students are Polish, half are German, the rest come from all around the world. Besides comparing the reported levels of happiness between Polish and German students I am planning to measure how these different nationalities percieve the happiness of the other nationality, and so on."

Always nice to have students from other parts of the world interested in studies similar to myself...


Jane Doe said...

hehe congrats babe, i know how u feel! ;)

Durrow Gal! said...


HaN said...

You're FAMOUS! *Admiring*

Durrow Gal! said...

If I'm world famous, I'll probably be employed by now...eheh=p

HaN said...
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HaN said...

iIt's a good thing I kept the little notes you wrote to me. IMAGINE how much it is going to worth eventually!

Durrow Gal! said...

Yes turtur...my first fren in perth!

Han: No worries,I'll keep sending you notes.