It was Turtur's birthday. I smsed him for dinner, only to find out that he would be undergoing a minor operation because of his sinus. James, Daren and myself went to visit him at the Singapore General Hospital and we brought with us a mango flan cake. But alas, he can't eat as he was on the drip that night.
Turtur, happy birthday and get well soon! I'm sure you will, with all the tender loving care from May. =p Waiting for you to hang out.....By the way, turtur wanted us to take the photos for a remembrance (not a mocking thing).
I think it's better for you not to sneeze!
Quite true. Update me on how you have been sneezin...heh
Turtur!! What happened to our dear turtur!?!?!?!?!?
Sorry I didn't know sooner. Hope you're better now. :) Oh.. Happy Belated Birthday turtur!
He had an operation for his sinus. Had to be hospitalised for two nights. He's A-okay now...I hope..
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